Trusted Partner Network (TPN) Assessment

TPN Site Cloud Assessment

The Trusted Partner Network (TPN) stands as a comprehensive worldwide content security initiative exclusively owned by the Motion Picture Association. TPN offers programming designed to tackle security concerns across different scenarios and stages in the content pipeline. This encompasses the oversight of the MPA Content Security Best Practices, curated and upheld by TPN, establishing a unified standard for the minimum security readiness within content industries.

Attack Vector offers assessments for sites, cloud services, and SaaS applications, ensuring your organization complies with Motion Picture Association security best practises.




TPN assessment is a cybersecurity audit tailored for service providers, commonly referred to as vendors. It involves evaluating your business’ Information Security Management System (ISMS) implementation, risk management strategy, physical and digital security measures, cloud security, secure software development practices, and secure content handling workflows. The aim is to measure conformity with the cybersecurity framework outlined in the Motion Picture Association (MPA) Content Security Best Practices.


Assessment Type

TPN Assessments are split into two major assessment types.

TPN Blue:

Purpose: TPN Blue is focused on baseline security requirements. It is designed for vendors who handle sensitive information but may not be directly involved in the creation and distribution of high-value content.

Scope: This level of assessment typically covers general security practices and controls.

TPN Gold:

Purpose: TPN Gold Shield is a more advanced and comprehensive security assessment. It is intended for vendors directly involved in the creation, production, and distribution of high-value content.

Scope: The Gold Shield assessment includes a more thorough evaluation of security measures, including aspects like secure software development practices, content handling workflows, and adherence to the Motion Picture Association (MPA) Content Security Best Practices.


The Motion Picture Association (MPA) Best Practices refers to a set of guidelines and standards developed by the MPA to address various aspects of content security within the media and entertainment industry. These best practices are designed to enhance the protection of intellectual property, combat piracy, and ensure the secure handling of content throughout the supply chain.


Further Information