The Motion Picture Association (MPA) has developed comprehensive Content Security Best Practices to protect content in the film and television industry. These guidelines cover various aspects, including risk management, document organization, and best practices for physical and digital controls. They ensure secure content management during post-production, even in remote work scenarios. The Trusted Partner Network (TPN) collaborates with the MPA to maintain and implement these guidelines for content security assessments. Anyone involved in content production and distribution within the entertainment industry can benefit from these valuable recommendations .

As of the latest update, the Motion Picture Association (MPA) has released Version 5.2 of its Content Security Best Practices. These guidelines are essential for safeguarding content in the film and television industry. To help visualize these requirements, Attack Vector has created  a mind map that encapsulates the latest MPA security best practices. This mind map serves as a comprehensive reference, aiding companies of all sizes across the media chain in managing their security vulnerabilities effectively.

You can access the Motion Picture Association (MPA) Content Security Best Practices, version 5.2, via the following link: MPA Content Security Best Practices v5.2.