Managed Services


Proactively monitor your internal and external infrastructure to detect vulnerabilities before they are exploited by malicious threat actors.

Implement an early detection system for leaked user credentials and establish measures to prevent potential password reuse.

Evaluate the efficacy of your user awareness training through periodic phishing simulations.

Our Services Offer a Wide Range of Benefits

Our comprehensive suite of services is meticulously designed to identify vulnerabilities before they evolve into potential catastrophes. In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, safeguarding your assets and data is not just a priority – it's a necessity.
About Our Services



Vulnerability scanning is a proactive security practice that involves the systematic identification and assessment of vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, applications, and other IT infrastructure components. 

The purpose of vulnerability scanning is to discover and address potential weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious actors to compromise the security and integrity of the targeted systems.


Risk Reduction: Regular vulnerability scans can identify vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them.

Compliance Requirements: Many industry regulations and standards require organizations to conduct vulnerability assessments regularly. Compliance with these requirements is essential for avoiding penalties and maintaining a good reputation.

Patch Management: Regular scans will ensure that the internal patching policy is working and that critical issues are patched quickly.

Improved Security Posture: Consistent vulnerability scanning helps organizations stay aware of their security posture and make informed decisions regarding security investments and improvements.

Cost-Effectiveness: Regular scanning and identification of vulnerabilities is cheaper in the long run compared to dealing with the aftermath of a successful cyber attack.


We make sure to understand your needs completely, delivering a cost-effective service whilst maintaining excellent coverage.

Discovery: The scanning tool or service identifies all active devices within the organisation’s network, such as computers, servers, routers, firewalls, and other connected devices.

Port Scanning: The service scans for open ports on the identified devices to determine which services are running and accessible. Open ports can sometimes be entry points for attackers.

Vulnerability Detection: The scanning tool checks the versions of software, applications, and services running on the devices against a database of known vulnerabilities. It then flags any outdated or vulnerable software.

Assessment: The service rates the severity of the identified vulnerabilities based on their potential impact and exploitability. This helps prioritise which vulnerabilities need immediate attention.

Continuous Monitoring (optional): Our vulnerability scanning services offer continuous monitoring capabilities, allowing organisations to detect new vulnerabilities as they emerge or changes in the network that might introduce new risks.

In addition, Attack Vector delivers advanced analytics and modern reporting, enabling effective tracking of vulnerabilities. This ensures that identified weaknesses are promptly assigned to the relevant stakeholders for remediation, strengthening the overall security posture of the organization.



Simulated phishing is a security exercise and awareness training technique used by organisations to assess and improve their employees’ ability to recognize and respond to phishing attempts. 

These simulated phishing emails or messages are designed to closely resemble real phishing attempts that employees might encounter in their daily work.


Improved Employee Awareness: Simulated phishing testing helps raise awareness amongst employees about the tactics used by real cybercriminals. By experiencing safe and controlled phishing attempts, employees become more vigilant and are better equipped to identify and respond to actual phishing attacks.

Identify Vulnerabilities: Simulated phishing tests provide valuable insights into an organisation’s security posture. By tracking how employees respond to the simulated attacks, security teams can identify potential vulnerabilities in the system and take proactive measures to address them.

Reduced Risk of Successful Phishing Attacks: Regular phishing tests enable organisations to reinforce security protocols and provide targeted training to employees who may be susceptible to phishing. This, in turn, reduces the likelihood of successful phishing attacks, safeguarding sensitive data and systems.

Customised Security Training: The results of simulated phishing tests allow organisations to tailor security training to address specific weaknesses or areas of concern. This personalised approach ensures that employees receive relevant and effective education on phishing threats.

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: Many industries have strict data protection and security compliance requirements. Conducting simulated phishing tests can be part of meeting those requirements, demonstrating a commitment to cybersecurity and protecting sensitive information. This may also lead to potential cost savings by preventing data breaches and associated penalties.


The process of conducting the exercise is normally split into several distinct stages:

Simulation Design: In this stage, we meticulously craft a convincing phishing email that maximizes the chances of success. At Attack Vector, we avoid using generic phishing emails and instead conduct a thorough analysis of your organisation, tailoring the campaign to suit your specific needs.

Sending Emails: The pre-agreed phishing emails are sent to the designated phishing targets. These targets can be randomly selected or chosen in coordination with the end client.

Monitoring Responses: Throughout the phishing campaign, Attack Vector closely monitors the responses from employees to phishing emails. This tracking lets us understand how employees interact with the simulated phishing attempts.

Training and Awareness: As part of our services, we offer an optional training program where comprehensive education is provided to a group of employees or the entire organisation. The training exercise focuses on phishing emails and broader security best practices that should be followed within the organisation.



Our leaked credential monitoring service is a  solution that continuously monitors and scans various online sources to identify any instances where an organisation’s or individual’s credentials (such as usernames and passwords) have been compromised or leaked on the internet. The primary objective of this service is to proactively detect leaked credentials before they can be misused by malicious actors to gain unauthorised access to user accounts and sensitive information.


Early Detection: By actively scanning for leaked credentials, the service can detect compromises at an early stage, reducing the potential damage caused by unauthorized access.

Proactive Protection: Users receive prompt notifications about potential breaches, enabling them to quickly take action to safeguard their accounts and prevent unauthorized access.

Account Security: Regular monitoring reinforces good security practices, such as updating passwords and enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA), thereby enhancing overall account security.

Preventing Credential Stuffing Attacks: Leaked credentials are often exploited in credential stuffing attacks, where attackers attempt to use compromised credentials on multiple platforms. Detecting and addressing leaked credentials helps mitigate the risk of such attacks.

Compliance and Reputation Management: Demonstrating a commitment to monitoring and securing user credentials enhances an organization’s compliance efforts and safeguards its reputation.


Attack Vector provides leaked credential monitoring both as a standalone service and as part of the managed cyber-service package. Through our comprehensive analysis of multiple data sources, we extract precise information related to your employees or organisation.

Data Sources: The service gathers data from a wide array of sources, including public and private databases, dark web forums, hacking forums, and other online platforms renowned for trading or sharing stolen credentials.

Data Analysis: The service analyses the collected data to identify any matches or similarities with the credentials associated with the organization or individual under monitoring.

Notification: If any leaked credentials are discovered, the service promptly notifies the affected parties. These notifications urge users to modify their passwords or take appropriate measures to safeguard their accounts.

Password Hygiene: The service may also offer guidance on adopting better password hygiene practices, such as using robust, unique passwords for each online account and enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) where feasible.